about you

Be like autumn

Autumn is the season of letting go. Look outside and notice how the leaves are falling again. And they fall for a reason. If the tree wouldn’t be able to let go of its leaves it would be hard for her to survive winter, feeding the leaves would take too…

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Are you sending out the wrong signals!

Only a small part of what you are saying; the words or content is part of communication. Albert Mehrabian, the famous psychologist and Professor comes to the conclusion in his studies that there are three elements in any face-to-face communication; words, tone of voice and non-verbal behaviour. Words only account…

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about you

Digital detox

Maybe you have tried it in your holidays: a digital detox. A period without any internet, to be completely without your tablet or smartphone. In case you have actually tried it you must have experienced how peaceful it is. A couple of weeks ago I wrote about Nomophobia. I explained how…

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