about you Trying to do everything perfect is great but has its downfalls.

Are you a perfectionist?

Setting the bar high is great. To make sure you are doing everything as well as possible is a great quality to have. Perfectionism can be beneficial. Only if you are capable of letting go of the expectation. If you would always strive for perfection, which means that nothing should…

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about you

Tips from PhD’s for PhD’s (7)

Do you have the feeling that whatever you do, it is never enough? That you actually should have had more published? That you should be further along with your research? That maybe, you just feel like you aren’t good enough? These are feelings and thoughts countless PhD students have. Achieving…

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about you

About research and vulnerability

Vulnerability, a scary word. Research. Scary word as well. Brené Brown researched vulnerability. And this is what happened. “So, I’ll start with this: a couple of years ago, an event planner called me because I was going to do a speaking event. And she called, and she said, “I’m really…

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