
So, do you remember the resolutions you made at the beginning of this year? Or maybe the ones you  made at the beginning of the Academic New Year?

Big chance that you made a start, but that you stranded again. That’s what happens normally with resolutions. And you promised yourself to start tomorrow, next week, next month, really……..

How come? One of the reasons is that it is hard and quite boring to reach your goal and also because you haven’t really installed a new habit. Fortunately there is another way!

The Japanese method – Kaizen – is all about improvement. Kaizen means ‘change for the better’. The beauty of it is, that it is a principle of just one minute. How it works?

The idea of Kaizen is that you start doing something (something you want to improve or change) for only 1 minute, preferably on a fixed time each day. Of course 1 minute is really easy to do. And because it is only 1 minute, you will manage it with ease and pleasure.

If you count all these minutes every day, you notice you are improving in small steps. When you notice the one minute is going really well, you can easily increase the time to 2, 5 or 10 minutes. Before you know it you will be spending half an hour on something you didn’t even think you would have started and without spending too much effort.

So what are you going to change in small steps to finish your thesis successfully and in time?


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